Applicable to the web site and site contents of:
C/ Arfe 7, 1º
41001 Sevilla
Here-in after named as ROJO ARQUITECTOS.
Description of
The main service offered in the domain “” is providing information about the products and the company's own activities.
ROJO ARQUITECTOS, reserves its right to update the site contents, restrict them or remove them temporarily or indefinitely at any time. ROJO ARQUITECTOS will inform the users, whenever foreseeable, of any service interruption that could stem from updating or improving the services; from carrying out site maintenance or due to other causes.
User rights and obligations
The user agrees, by its sole responsibility, to use the services offered by ROJO ARQUITECTOS according to the law; the present General Conditions and all its updates and the rules of good faith, ethics and public order generally accepted. The User has no right to claim compensation of any kind (direct or indirect) for temporary interruptions or permanent suspension of the services, either due to own causes or due to other causes.
Intellectual Property
All contents of “” in the form of text, source code, graphic design, animation, images, trademarks, trade names and other denominations are subject to intellectual property rights, held by ROJO ARQUITECTOS or by third parties, and shall be as well protected by law.
Under no circumstances, the access to ROJO ARQUITECTOS services implies the resignation, transfer, assignment or license of all or part of such content to third parties or confers them any right to use, translate, alter, adapt, operate, copy, distribute or publicly communicate it thereof without the prior express permission of ROJO ARQUITECTOS or third holder of the rights.
In no case is authorized (and will be prosecuted) the total or partial reproduction of the data and content that is accessed in “”, unless express authorization by ROJO ARQUITECTOS. Such content shall not be used in opposition to the legislation in force or the industrial and intellectual property.
Any user who wishes to include in its website a link to the domain “”, or to the pages that comprise it, shall notify it in advance to ROJO ARQUITECTOS.
It is absolutely prohibited the inclusion of content or services on third party sites, that could undermine the image of ROJO ARQUITECTOS.
ROJO ARQUITECTOS reserves the unilateral right to prohibit, restrict, or require the cancellation of links pointing to the domain “” when it deems it advisable, through simple communication to the owner of the website, without in any way be liable to pay any compensation for this reason.
Personal Data
ROJO ARQUITECTOS, in compliance with the Spanish Law of “Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce” (LSSICE, “Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico”), and the Spanish Law 15/1999 on Data Protection, ensures total privacy of personal data of our customers and users. All data sent through the forms contained on our website, are part of a database protected in accordance with such laws.
ROJO ARQUITECTOS does share or sells to any entity or organization the data that our users have provided. These data may only be used to respond to requests for information about our company; to offer information about our services or to respond to job applications submitted by our users.
The User can exercise the right of access, rectification and deletion of data as well as express their desire of not wanting to receive information, by contacting the following email address: or, alternatively, the address written above.
“” reserve the right to use cookies to improve the functionality of the web.
IP address
“” may choose, through an outside service, to keep track of the IP of the visitor for statistical purposes.